Due to increased enquiries for winter jobs we have teamed up with Natives to offer you an easy and accessible way to see what jobs are available this coming winter in the mountains!
Whether you're looking for a one off part time job or considering a serious career change then search through our database of companies recruiting for this winter to find the job you're looking for.
There can be hundreds of jobs listed here, so please remember... - Take your time - if you want a job, don't rush your application - Check when to apply as there are plenty of deadlines to be aware of. - Read each company's specific requirements & what jobs are available. We have added a brief description of some of the jobs in our In Depth section.
Best of luck and have a great season!
With the help from the highly experienced team at Natives we have added some brief introductions to what jobs are on offer with tour operators, local suppliers and businesses. These jobs can be found in our In Depth section which is full of information and tips for seasonaires thinking of coming to Tignes.
Job Descriptions